Look what arrived in the mail recently.
Yes! it's The Great Internet Migratory Box Of Electronics Junk! Let's peek inside shall we?
OK, what shall I take? This stuff looks good ...
Here's the stuff that was left after I took my goodies.
Here's the stuff I put in to replace what I took and to ah, "pay it forward", as it were. Head on over to this photo on Flickr to see the notes. Having Flickr and Vox tied together is very handy but it could be done a bit better.
I encountered a small PCB that had a weird component on board that I don't recognize, so I took a couple of extra photos.
Look, it says DANGER! Must be good. I'm putting it back into TGIMBOEJ hopefully someone else can get some fun out of it.
On Monday I shall take the mighty Brisvegas II shoebox down to the post office and send it on it's way to it's next stop: little-scale in Adelaide.
I'm thinking the mystery board is a CCFL backlight from a laptop.
Posted by: Ken Shirriff | 08/04/2009 at 05:16 PM
Ken was spot on.
Posted by: Scozza | 11/01/2009 at 04:08 AM